Mar 20, 2014


Avocado Great For Skin Care

Avocado is also known as Alligator Pear originated in southern Mexico. It has become a useful ingredient for our daily skin care routine. It is rich in fat as well as protein. These fats are monounsaturated which is good for a healthy heart. The provision of vitamin E in avocado helps the heart to remain fit. It is also known to supply 60% more potassium in comparison to banana.

It is also rich in fiber, foliate (folic acid), vitamin B6, iron, copper and magnesium. Other than applying avocado on your skin, consuming it in salad form can also be beneficial for your skin. Avocado contains vitamins like A, D, and E which has penetrating qualities to improve your skin. Avocado oil is also very useful for skin care. The oil is useful to remove any sun damage or age spots. It also softens the skin and provides a moisturizing effect and can do wonders on damaged, undernourished and dehydrated skin.

Simple Recipes for Skin Care

Puffed Eyes

Cut avocado into slices and place it under each eye and relax with it for next 20 minutes. The changes would be remarkable.

Eye Cream

Make an eye cream by mixing 5 drops of almond oil in 3 ripe slices of avocado. Blend this mixture and dab it around your eyes. Keep it for five minutes then rinse.

Another method of making the eye cream is by using 1/4 cup avocado oil with 1/4 cup aloe vera gel. You could also use apricot kernel, grape seed or sesame oil.

Facial Mask

This facial mask is useful for dry skin. Mash half avocado and apply it leisurely on your face. Keep it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.

Make a paste of ˝ ripe avocado mixed with 1 tsp vegetable oil. Apply this paste on a washed and clean face. Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water. This masque is very good for dry skin.

Smooth and Beautiful Hands

Make a paste by mixing 1/4 peeled & smashed avocado, 1 egg white, 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp lemon juice. Apply this paste on your hand and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it with warm water and pat it dry. You would be thrilled by the results by using it regularly.

Facial Scrub

You would need 2 tbsp. flax seeds, 1/2 mashed banana and 1/2 avocado peel. Use a small bowl to mix flax seeds and banana. Scoop the banana and flax seed by using avocado peel. Massage this scoop on your face in circular motion, slowly and gently. Rinse it with warm water.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Smoky Eyes Tutorial

Alternatives For Cellulite Reduction

Are there any cellulite reduction alternatives? With the rare exception, liposuction is generally considered cosmetic surgery. For this reason liposuction is not considered as medically necessary.

Because of this, the decision is up to you whether or not to undergo liposuction procedure. You may decide that it is not right for you. And you can make that determination right up to the point of actually having the procedure. 

Liposuction Alternatives
Accept your body and appearance as it is. 
Change diet to lose some excess body fat. 
Use clothing or makeup to downplay or emphasize body or facial features. 
Try some of the other methods such as topicals or body wrapping.

Whatever method you select for cellulite reduction make certain that, you have done your due diligence and select the most suitable method with the least amount of risk to obtain the results you desire.

There really is no alternate for good, old-fashioned, healthy nutrition and exercise. The tried and true methods do work:
1. Watch your diet.
2. Incorporate fresh and natural foods into your diet.
3. Get plenty of fiber.
4. Avoid high fat foods.
5. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
6. Limit the consumption of caffeine and alcohol
7. Quit or cut down on smoking.
8. Get plenty of exercise.
9. Avoid medications not necessary to health and well being.

You can rid your body of excess toxins and promote a general state of health by following a regimen of good health, nutrition and exercise that is optimum for pursuing any program for dealing with cellulite.


Cellulite exercises, which will help you to get rid of cellulite, are weight training and cardiovascular exercises. These two exercises when done together will help you a lot in reducing cellulite. 

Cardiovascular exercises include walking, jogging and swimming. Where as weight training exercises are simple to complex, which include squats, lunges, leg presses, leg curls, etc. Along with this cellulite exercises a five minutes massage and drinking of plenty of water will increase the blood flow, which indeed reduces cellulite.


Walking is an incredible exercise, which is useful in many ways. Walking puts the body in continuous rhythmic motion and benefits most parts of the body. It is not just the feet and legs but also the neck muscles, shoulders, back, abdomen and arms that you are putting into motion.


This is another wonderful exercise, which is useful in many ways. Body as a whole, will be getting benefited with jogging by strengthening the cardiovascular system, improving blood circulation, toning up muscles and thus helpful an exercise to get rid of cellulite.


Swimming is a great activity. It tones your entire body while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout; it strengthens your heart muscle and improves delivery of oxygen to muscles. Swimming is also a relaxing activity. 

Weight Training

Weight training exercises to get rid of cellulite can range from simple to complex. Exercises such as squats and lunges are easy to do at home since they simply use the weight of your own body. Free weights can be used at the gym or purchased for home use and can be incorporated into exercises like squats.

You can find different weight training machines in Gyms and health clubs that have built in weight systems and provide a range of different exercises such as leg presses and leg curls.

Aloe Vera - A Wonder Herb For Skin

Aloe is grown mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America.  Because of its many therapeutic uses, it is now commercially cultivated in the United States, Japan, and countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean.  However, in many places you can grown your own Aloe Vera plant quite happy in a pot as a household plant.

Despite its very cactus-like characteristics, Aloe belongs to the lily family, which also includes asparagus, onions, leeks and garlic.  The Aloe plant contains over thirty enzymes, including lipase and oxidase.  It could be argued that enzymes are the missing element in the modern diet since 40% of the adult population suffer digestive problems and digestion is enzyme-based.

Aloe Vera also contains significant levels of salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin) which accounts for some of the herb's pain-killing potential. Some people swear by a burst of aloe spray on sunburn when a gel or cream is too painful to apply.

Salicylic acid also plays a role in Aloe's detoxifying and cell-cleansing capacity.  The well-researched capacity of Aloe to stimulate the immune system is arguably its most important attribute. Others have testified that a daily drink with high quality Aloe juice helps clear sensitive skin.  Aloe is well known as a soothing ingredient in skincare lotions and body products.

There are a host of studies from every continent documenting the healthful benefits of Aloe Vera, taken both internally and used externally.  Aloe has truly earned it reputation as a natural, healthful 'wonder' herb.